PICTURE 11 – REF 5897 - T
Artisanal products are, most of the time, developed with the use of cultural elements and the history of communities or peoples.
To illustrate the idea, the designer from Paraíba, Sérgio Matos, at the invitation of the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae), created the essay entitled 'Deuses e Deusas Indígenas'.
The catalog features handicrafts produced by indigenous communities in São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Tefé, Barcelos, Benjamin Constant and Manaus, in Amazonas. The result was a mixture of tradition and contemporary sophistication.
Dimensions: 100 cm x 160 cm
T = canvas in canvas - 100% cotton fabric
QV = frame with glass and Foam Board bottom that protects from moisture.
Cancas or Foto Matte (matte) both from the French brand Canson
*25% of the profit will go to each craftsman in the photo
100 cm x 160 cm